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Notice To Bidders
Sealed bids will be received by the Pottawattamie County Conservation Board (PCCB) at its office in the County Courthouse Annex (223 South 6th Street) in Council Bluffs, IA, until noon on Friday, January 31, 2023 for cash rent of 12.6 acres of farmland at Crescent Wildlife Area located at 24668 Liberty Ln., Crescent, IA 51526, (1.5 mile north of intersection of Old Mormon Bridge Rd & 152nd St.) in Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
Lease Amendments
Interested operators can obtain clarification from Aric Ping at 402.305.0073. All bids submitted for this request shall remain the property of the PCCB. PCCB reserves the right to reject any or all bids received and to accept the bid deemed best for the PCCB.