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By Call or Text Message, Pottawattamie County 911 Communications Ready to Serve

Posted April 11, 2024
Posted by Public Relations

Pottawattamie County, Iowa – April is National 911 Education Month, and the Pottawattamie County 911 Communications Center is using the opportunity to grow awareness of the option to text 911 in the event of an emergency.

Text-to-911 isn’t available everywhere in the U.S., but all counties in Iowa have 911 call centers capable of receiving text messages. While a phone call remains the preferred method of contact, using Text-to-911 in an emergency might be helpful if an individual is deaf, hard of hearing, or has a speech disability, or if making a voice call to 911 might be dangerous or not possible.

The Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HSEMD) has adopted a ‘call if you can, text if you can’t’ slogan to promote the intentions of the Text-to-911 service. Mobile phone service in the rural parts of Pottawattamie County can be spotty. Service can also be interrrupted when large groups of people gather at a single location, such as a concert or sporting event. These are among several scenarios in which a text would work better than a phone call for an individual experiencing an emergency.

According to HSEMD, all carriers have taken the necessary steps to allow users to text 911 on mobile devices. Users must have a plan that includes text messaging and the carrier’s regular texting rates apply. Text-to-911 doesn’t currently allow for the acceptance of photos or videos attached to a message and has limitations on access to important data, including GPS coordinates.

When an individual calls 911, dispatchers will always ask for the location of the emergency. Dispatchers need that information when receiving a text as well, so it’s best to provide a correct location as quickly as possible, regardless of if someone is texting or calling 911.

It’s important to note, after learning the location of an emergency, follow-up questions from dispatchers do not delay response time.

Here are some helpful tips for texting 911:

Users attempting to send a text to 911 where the service is not available or phone is in “roaming” status, should receive a “bounce-back” message informing them that the service is unavailable. Calling 911 when there is no emergency is against the law, and the same applies to texting 911.

Text-to-911 is still new to our area, so Pottawattamie County 911 Communications is doing what it can to educate the community on the uses and protocols. Officials explain the agency has already experienced situations in which the service has been beneficial, and it expects that to continue.

Download and print material for home and business:

911 Brochure

Text to 911- Stalker Flier

Text to 911 Domestic Violence Flier

About Pottawattamie County 911 Communications: The Pottawattamie County Sheriff’s Office Division of Communications is dedicated to serving as the vital link between the public and public safety organizations through responsiveness while serving the citizens of Pottawattamie County with the highest level of courtesy, commitment, integrity, and professionalism. For more information, visit

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