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Real Estate Search

County Alerts

Burn Ban in Effect Countywide.

Frequently Asked Questions

View a list of commonly asked questions.

General Questions

I'd like to know more about Pottawattamie County.
I need to reschedule my court date.
How can I get a copy of court documents?
How do I file a restraining order?
How do I find out the the Court's Schedule?
How do I get a protection order?
How do I get married at the courthouse?
How do I know if I have a judgment against me?
How do I legally change my name?
How do I pay a ticket?
How do I see bid opportunities for the City of Council Bluffs?
How much do I owe in fines?
I need information on evictions, where do I go?
If I have traffic fines or court appearances, where do I go?
My loved one is in jail, and I need information.
When is my court date?


Other Questions

How do I report a demolished dwelling or building on my property?
How do I sign up for Homestead Tax Credit, 65+ Homestead Exemption, or Disabled Veteran Homestead?
How do I sign up for the Military Service Property Tax Exemption?


I just wanted him/her out of the house. Why did he/she get arrested?
Can I drop charges?
How can I get the No Contact Order lifted/dropped?
How do I report a crime?
If I am a victim or witness in a case, do I have to come to court?
I have unpaid fines and want to get my driver license reinstated. How can I do that?
How do I file for bankruptcy?
I received a notice for jury duty, when do I have to report?


How do I add or remove someone from my deed?
How do I get an abstract for my property?
How do I split or combine parcels of land?

Board of Supervisors

When does the Board of Supervisors meet, and what is the deadline to present items to be placed on the Board’s Agenda?
How long is a Board of Supervisors term?
Does the Board of Supervisors assist with indigent burials for Pottawattamie County?
How do I make a public records request?

Buildings and Grounds

How do I see bid opportunities for Pottawattamie County?

Community Services

General Assistance

How can I apply for Pottawattamie County General Assistance?
What does Pottawattamie County General Assistance provide help with?
Does Pottawattamie County General Assistance provide rental deposits or first month's rent?
Does Pottawattamie County General Assistance provide mortgage assistance?
Does Pottawattamie County General Assistance provide assistance for people living outside of Pottawattamie County?
Does Pottawattamie County General Assistance provide the Low Income Heat Assistance Program (LIHEAP)?
Does Pottawattamie County General Assistance pay for hotels/motels?

Other Questions

What services does the Community Services department provide?
How can I get a caseworker?
Where can I access information about community services and supports?
Where can I access social supports and/or a peer specialist?
Is there a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in the area?
How can I apply for food stamps?
Do you offer Mental Health First Aid trainings and other Mental Health or Disability related trainings?
How can I learn more and provide feedback about current mental health and disability services in this area?

Emergency Management

Can I call the alert phone number back or reply back to the email?
Can you guarantee that I will receive notifications if I register?
How do I find out if Pottawattamie County is in a burn ban?
How do I sign up for Alert Iowa?
How do I update or remove my notification preferences & contact information used by the system?
How does it work?
How much does it cost?
How often will I receive alerts?
I already get alerts, what happens if I don't sign up again?
I don't own a computer - who can help me sign up?
What happens if I don't answer and alert call?
What is Alert Iowa?
What precautions are taken to protect personal contact information stored in the system?
What types of alerts will I receive?
When will I start receiving alerts?
Why should I sign up for Alert Iowa?
Will my information be disclosed or shared?


Do I need flood insurance?
How do I do (fill in blank) on the GIS website?
How do I find my subdivision plat?
How does the survey/subdivision process work?
Is my neighbors (barn, garage, fence, tree, etc) on my property?
I’m doing a survey, what should I use for a parcel letter?
I’m researching, do you have any historic documents for this area?

Medical Examiner

What is the purpose of the Pottawattamie County Medical Examiner Office?
What is a coroner versus a medical examiner?
What is a medical examiner investigator?
Why are natural deaths investigated?
What is an autopsy?
Why is an autopsy done?
Who determines if an autopsy will be conducted?
Who pays for an autopsy?
Where are autopsies conducted?
How are copies of the autopsy report obtained?
How are death certificates obtained?
How do I report a death?
Who can pronounce death?

Public Health

Animal Control

How many dogs am I allowed to own?
Does Pottawattamie County have a leash law?
Do my pets need a rabies vaccine?
Do I need to license my pet?
What if my pet goes missing?

Environmental Health

I need an inspection for a public pool, spa, or tattoo parlor, who do I contact?
I need to report a property nuisance, who do I contact?
Who can I contact regarding inspections for septic, wells, radon test kits, well water test?
I need a food inspection or have a food establishment complaint, who do I contact?

General Assistance

What is your email address?
What is your fax number?
I was born in Pottawattamie County and I need my birth certificate?

Public Health

How do I get my immunization records in Iowa?
Where can I get vaccines for myself or my children?
I think I may have food poisoning, who do I call?
I need a car seat installation or check, who do I contact?
I need WIC (Women, Infant, Children) information?
I think I might be pregnant, where can I get a free pregnancy test?
Where is the WIC (Women Infants and Children) office located?



Can I mail in my application or apply online for a passport?
Do I have to make an appointment to apply for a passport?
Will I receive my new passport and my documents back in one envelope?
Can I get my passport picture taken?
For an individual wanting a passport for the first time, can I mail in my application or apply online for a passport?
How long does it take to receive my passport?
Can a copy of my birth certificate work?
Do I need to bring in my own picture?
When are you open?
Do I have to bring in my children or can I just bring their picture?

Real Estate

How much are the recording fees?
How much for Transfer Tax?
How do I change the title of my property?
What are the other forms that may be needed to be with a transferring document?
Is there a survey filed on my property?
How do I electronically file my new recordings documents?
How do I get a copy of my deed to my property?
Can I mail in a new recording for recording?

Other Questions

Does the Recorder's Office assist with divorces/annulments?
Does the Recorder's Office assist with adoptions?
How can I legally change my name if not related to a marriage or a Paternity Affidavit Form?
How can I make changes to my child's birth certificate, such as adding their father or changing their last name?
How do I get a divorce or annulment?

Safety/Risk Management

Workers' Compensation

What is Company Nurse?
What should I do if I’m injured at work?
What about obvious emergency situations for severe injuries?
Who do I contact if I have questions about workers' compensation or its benefits?

Secondary Roads

Do you salt and sand gravel roads?
Does the County repair damaged mailboxes caused by snow removal?
How can I find out if a snow emergency has been declared?
How can I get notifications or Information on road closures and construction projects?
How do I add a new or widen an existing driveway or field entrance?
How do I apply for dust control?
How do you decide if crews will conduct snow removal outside of normal hours of operation?
How is street parking impacted during a snow emergency?
The post office will not deliver my mail because of the snow in front of my mailbox. Will the County be out to remove this snow?
What are the hours of operation for snow removal?
What is the process to repair/reconstruct seal coat roads?
When will a snow emergency be declared?
When will my road be plowed?
Why does it take so long to clear gravel roads?
Why does the County mow and/or trim trees in front of my house?
Why is my seal coat road bleeding?

Sheriff's Office

911 Communications

What will I be asked when I call 9-1-1?
What information do I need to give a good description when calling 9-1-1?
Can I Call 9-1-1 if I use a T.D.D.?
Can someone call 9-1-1 who does not speak English?


Where can I find a list of current inmates?
How do I send mail to an inmate?
How do I visit/contact an inmate?
What are visitation hours and rules?
How do I make arrangements to pay for room and board?

Other Questions

How is a Sheriff's (foreclosure) sale conducted?
Is there anything special that I should be aware of before I bid at a Sheriff's (foreclosure) sale?
What if I have other questions related to Sheriff's (foreclosure) sales?
When and where are Sheriff's (foreclosure) Sales conducted?
Where do I find a list of properties going up for sale?


Real Estate

Can I make payments on my taxes?
How do I apply for Iowa property tax credit?
How do I pay my tax sale?
How do I register to for the tax sale?
What happens when property taxes have a bankruptcy applied to them?
What is the penalty for delinquent taxes?
When do tax statements go out in the mail and when are they due?
When is the tax sale?

Other Questions

How do I register a newly purchased vehicle?
What do I need to bring if I moved from out of state?
How long do I have to register a new purchase?
How long do I have to renew my tags?
How do I register a homemade trailer?
What do I need to bring if I changed my address?
What is the difference between Treasurer's Office and Iowa DOT Driver's Services?
How do I get Persons with Disabilities plates or parking permit?
How do I apply for a replacement title?
What do I do when an owner on a title is deceased?
How do I order specialty plates?
I sold or junked my vehicle, what do I do with my plates and how do I get a refund?

Veterans Service Office

How do I receive assistance from the Pottawattamie County Veterans Service Office?
How do I receive a copy of my DD-214/discharge paperwork, service records, and/or medals?
What is the process to have "Veteran" on my driver’s license?
What makes a veteran eligible for the VA Hospital?
How do I know if I’m eligible for Veteran status?
How do I apply for Veteran License Plates?
How do I apply for a Military Property Tax Exemption?
What are the eligibility requirements for Guard and Reserves for Veteran Benefits?
How do I qualify for Aid and Attendance?
What is the difference between Pension and Compensation?
What is the difference between survivors’ pension and widows DIC?
How do I upgrade my discharge status?
227 S 6th St.
Council Bluffs, IA 51501
(712) 328-5600
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